Changes Affecting Xolphin as of 15 February 2024
Xolphin is now part of Sectigo. As part of our ongoing strategy to leverage the latest technology in our validation processes, and to improve Xolphin customers' validation times, Sectigo is updating the Xolphin platform and APIs. This means, however, that API changes are coming to Resellers who sell OV/EV SSL and Code Signing certificates issued by Sectigo.
For more information see our guide. For questions contact Xolphin Support.Comodo API
This page contains all changes which have been made to our Comodo API. Date Change 2017-08-04 Added uniqueValue field in AutoApplySSL 2017-02-17 Prevent different filename in the downloadable files ...

Easily order, manage and install SSL certificates directly on cPanel, DirectAdmin and Plesk
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