SOAP API - PHP Implementation

The Xolphin SOAP API can be used to order and process certificates through your own system. In the text below, you will find the PHP example code to be used for this purpose.

Note: We recommend using our REST API instead of our SOAP API, especially for new developments.

Error Handling

We strongly recommend to use error handling. Below you will find a simple error handling example to use with our Order function:

        $OrderID = $client->Order($Authentication, $Request);
catch ( Exception $e )
        echo $e->getMessage();

User Agent

If you plan on added support for our API to an online service or software, we kindly ask you to implement a custom user agent. Below you will find a simple PHP code to use:

    ini_set('user_agent', 'MyProject V1.0');



Authentication Class

The following Authentication Class is needed for virtually all API commands. It is possible to use it on each page through an include.

To start with, the class needs to be created. The class has two variables:

  • User name, we use $Username in our example.
  • Password, we use $Password in our example.

Any user able to log onto our website can be used for this purpose; a special account is not required.

You can now use the actual class, and enter login information.


   ini_set('soap.wsdl_cache_enabled', 0);

   class AuthenticationClass {
        public $Username;
        public $Password;

   $Authentication = new AuthenticationClass;
   $Authentication->Username   = '';
   $Authentication->Password   = 'xxxxxxxx';


Collect - Request Issued Certificates

The Collect method can be used to collect and process issued certificates with status CAIssued true.

Two parameters are required for the Collect method:

  • Authentication: Used to indicate the authentication class. We use $Authentication in our example.
  • Order number: A variable number, here the order number you received from us is entered. Note: You will only have received this number if the order was placed through the API. We use $OrderNr in our example.

In our example, a check is performed first, to see if the certificate is actually ready. This is done to prevent error messages later. If the certificate is ready, it can be saved as CRT, ZIP (in case of Comodo, with root- and intermediate certificates), or PKCS7. The CRT version can be used for most web servers.

In the section below, a connection with the API is established, and a check is performed to see if the certificate is ready:


   ini_set('soap.wsdl_cache_enabled', 0);

   class AuthenticationClass {
        public $Username;
        public $Password;

   $Authentication = new AuthenticationClass;
   $Authentication->Username   = '';
   $Authentication->Password   = 'xxxxxxxx';

   $client = new SoapClient('',
      'trace' => true ,
      'exceptions' => true ,

   $OrderNr = "999";

   $Status = $client->Status($Authentication, $OrderNr);

   $CAIssued = $Status->CAIssued;

   if ($CAIssued== '1') {

We now retrieve the certificate using the following command, and print it directly on the website.

$Certificate = $client->Collect($Authentication, $OrderNr);  

echo "CRT = <br>" . $Certificate->Crt;


Use the following command to save the CRT:

file_put_contents('/tmp/test.crt', $Certificate->Crt);


file_put_contents('/tmp/', base64_decode($Certificate->Zip));


file_put_contents('/tmp/test.pkcs7', base64_decode($Certificate->Pkcs7));

DecodeCSR - Decode the CSR

By using our API, it becomes possible to decode a CSR and to check its domain name. An example of this can be found in the DecodeCSR.php file.

This method requires both the Authentication Class, and the Request Class.

Use of the DecodeCSR method requires the following two parameters:

  • Authentication, we use $Authentication in our example.
  • The CSR in the request class. In our case through $Request->CSR.

In the example provided below, the Request Class is created, containing the CSR. It is then sent to our server. The output can be shown by using print_r:


   ini_set('soap.wsdl_cache_enabled', 0);

   class AuthenticationClass {
        public $Username;
        public $Password;

   $Authentication = new AuthenticationClass;
   $Authentication->Username   = '';
   $Authentication->Password   = 'xxxxxxxx';

   class RequestClass {
        public $CSR;
        public $Domainname;
        public $Domains;
        public $Company;
        public $Department;
        public $Postbox;
        public $Address;
        public $Zipcode;
        public $City;
        public $State;
        public $Reference;
        public $CountryCode;
        public $ServerSoftware;
        public $Brand;
        public $Product;
        public $Type;
        public $Year;
        public $ApproverFirstName;
        public $ApproverLastName;
        public $ApproverEmail;
        public $ApproverPhone;
        public $KvK;
        public $Test;

    $Request = new RequestClass;
    $Request->CSR = <<<CSR

      $client = new SoapClient('',
          'trace' => true,
          'exceptions' => true,

     $CSR = $client->DecodeCSR($Authentication, $Request->CSR);


getApprovedEmailAddresses - Allowed E-mail Addresses

The ResendValidationEMail can be used to re-send a validation e-mail. To check which e-mail addresses are allowed, the getApprovedEmailAddresses can be used. An example of this is shown below.

Start by using the class for logging in, and the parameters belonging to it.

Use of the ResendValidationEMail method requires two parameters, in the following order:

  • Authentication: Used to indicate the authentication class. We use $Authentication in our example.
  • Domain name: Used to indicate the domain name for which you would like to receive the e-mail addresses. In our example we have manually entered Indicating the main domain name is not necessary in this method, leaving the name of the sub domain is fine as well.

In our example, the response of the API is saved in the $EMailList variable. This response can be displayed through a loop.

An example of the PHP code:


   ini_set('soap.wsdl_cache_enabled', 0);

   class AuthenticationClass {
        public $Username;
        public $Password;

   $Authentication = new AuthenticationClass;
   $Authentication->Username   = '';
   $Authentication->Password   = 'xxxxxxxx';

        $client = new SoapClient('',
                'trace' => true ,
                'exceptions' => true ,

        $EmailList = $client->getApprovedEmailAddresses($Authentication, '');

        foreach ($EmailList as $value) {
            var_dump( $value );
            echo ("<br>");


getCertificates - Request Existing Certificates

With getCertificates you can check which certificates you have at the moment, and which are still valid. In this manner you can, for example, check when certificates you own will expire, and send yourself a reminder.

The only parameter used for this method, is once again the Authentication Class.

The example code below is a simplified version. In this example, the array sent by our API is saved in the $List variable.


   ini_set('soap.wsdl_cache_enabled', 0);

   class AuthenticationClass {
        public $Username;
        public $Password;

   $Authentication = new AuthenticationClass;
   $Authentication->Username   = '';
   $Authentication->Password   = 'xxxxxxxx';

        $client = new SoapClient('',
                'trace' => true ,
                'exceptions' => true ,

       $List = $client->getCertificates($Authentication);


getFunctions - Request API Functions

The getFunctions method from our API can be used to see which functions are available.

No parameters are necessary for use of the getFunctions method. It is not necessary to log in either.

The code below will display all possible API methods on the page.


   ini_set('soap.wsdl_cache_enabled', 0);

        $client = new SoapClient('',
                'trace' => true ,
                'exceptions' => true ,



getProducts - Request Products

The Brand, Product and Type have to be indicated in the Request Class. By using the getProducts method described below, an overview of the options is shown.

This requires using the Authentication Class again.

In the example below, products are saved in the $ProductList array. The results can then be processed further using your own method. In this example we print the results to the website line by line.


   ini_set('soap.wsdl_cache_enabled', 0);

   class AuthenticationClass {
        public $Username;
        public $Password;

   $Authentication = new AuthenticationClass;
   $Authentication->Username   = '';
   $Authentication->Password   = 'xxxxxxxx';

   $client = new SoapClient('',
        'trace' => true ,
        'exceptions' => true ,

   $ProductList = $client->getProducts($Authentication);

    foreach ($ProductList as $value) {
    var_dump( $value );
    echo ("<br>");


MD5Hash - SHA1Hash - Request Validation Codes

It is possible for Comodo certificates to not have a domain validation performed through a validation e-mail, but instead through either a DNS CNAME record, or by placing a certain file on the root website.

The information needed for this action, can be requested by using the getMD5Hash or getSHA1Hashmethod. Please note that this can only be done after placing the order.

In this manual we use both methods. Both will make use of the Authentication Class, and will use 2 parameters in total:

  • Authentication: The authentication class is indicated here. We use $Authentication in our example.
  • Order number: Please enter the the order number you received from us here (for example through a variable). Note: You will only have received this number if the order was placed through the API. We use $OrderNr in our example.

Our API will return the validation codes in a string. This string is saved in $MD5Hash and $SHA1Hash in our example.

Further on in this manual, you will be shown an example of the previously described code.

CNAME Validation (ApproverType 3)
If you would like to use CNAME validation, please remember to include the following in your DNS record:
Note: if the certificate in question is a multi-domain certificate, this should be created for each domain name. -> CNAME ->

The certificate will be issued when our system confirms the CNAME has been created, and the rest of the validation has been concluded successfully.

Website Validation (ApproverType 2)
If you would like to make use of website validation, you need to create a file with specific content on the root website (, not, on HTTP, not HTTPS). This is done as follows:

Use this URL:


Please replace MD5HASH and SHA1HASH by the values indicated by our API in both examples.


   ini_set('soap.wsdl_cache_enabled', 0);

   class AuthenticationClass {
        public $Username;
        public $Password;

   $Authentication = new AuthenticationClass;
   $Authentication->Username   = '';
   $Authentication->Password   = 'xxxxxxxx';

   $client = new SoapClient('',
        'trace' => true ,
        'exceptions' => true ,

   $OrderNr = "999";

   $MD5Hash = $client->getMD5Hash($Authentication, $OrderNr);
   $SHA1Hash = $client->getSHA1Hash($Authentication, $OrderNr);

   echo ("MD5: " . $MD5Hash . "<br>");
   echo ("SHA1: " . $SHA1Hash);


Order - Order Certificate

To place an actual order, the Authentication Class and Request Class should be used.

Several parameters are obligatory for the Request Class. An overview is given below:

Parameter Obligatory? Remarks
CSR Yes  
Domainname Yes The domain name should be the CN from the CSR. This can be checked by using the DecodeCSR method.
Domains Yes Is only used with Multi-domain certificates. Please enter names separated by commas.
Company Yes  
Department No  
Postbox No This parameter is no longer used.
Address Yes  
Zipcode Yes  
City Yes  
State Yes  
Reference No  
CountryCode Yes  
ServerSoftware No This parameter is no longer used.
Brand Yes See the getProducts methods for more options
Product Yes See the getProducts methods for more options
Type Yes See the getProducts methods for more options
Year Yes See the getProducts methods for more options
ApproverType Yes 1 for Email, 2 for File, 3 for CNAME - Comodo only
ApproverFirstName Yes  
ApproverLastName Yes  
ApproverEmail Yes  
ApproverPhone Yes  
KvK Yes  

The Order method is used to actually place the order. This requires:

  • Authentication - we use $Authentication in our example.
  • Request - we use $Request in our example.

Below the code, split up in sections:

To start with, the Authentication Class should be created and the correct login data should be entered.


   ini_set('soap.wsdl_cache_enabled', 0);

   class AuthenticationClass {
        public $Username;
        public $Password;

   $Authentication = new AuthenticationClass;
   $Authentication->Username   = '';
   $Authentication->Password   = 'xxxxxxxx';

The Request Class should be created next:

    class RequestClass {
        public $CSR;
        public $Domainname;
        public $Domains;
        public $Company;
        public $Department;
        public $Postbox;
        public $Address;
        public $Zipcode;
        public $City;
        public $State;
        public $Reference;
        public $CountryCode;
        public $ServerSoftware;
        public $Brand;
        public $Product;
        public $Type;
        public $Year;
        public $ApproverFirstName;
        public $ApproverLastName;
        public $ApproverEmail;
        public $ApproverPhone;
        public $KvK;
        public $Test;

Next the CSR and certificate information should be entered:

    $Request = new RequestClass;
    $Request->CSR = <<<CSR

    $Request->Domainname        = '';
    $Request->Domains           = '';
    $Request->Company           = 'Xolphin';
    $Request->Department        = '';
    $Request->Postbox           = '';
    $Request->Address           = 'Jan Glijnisweg 63a';
    $Request->Zipcode           = '1702 PA';
    $Request->City              = 'Heerhugowaard';
    $Request->State             = 'Noord-Holland';
    $Request->Reference         = '';
    $Request->CountryCode       = 'NL';
    $Request->Brand             = 'Comodo';
    $Request->Product           = 'MobileSSL';
    $Request->Type              = 'Enkel Domein';
    $Request->Year              = 3;
    $Request->ApproverType      = 1;
    $Request->ApproverEmail     = '';
    $Request->ApproverFirstName = 'First Name';
    $Request->ApproverLastName  = 'Last Name';
    $Request->ApproverPhone     = '0887757750';
    $Request->KvK               = '';''

Lastly, a connection with the API is created, and the order is placed. The API will return the Order number.

    $client = new SoapClient('',
        'trace' => true ,
        'exceptions' => true ,

    $OrderNr = $client->Order($Authentication, $Request);
    echo "OrderNr = " . $OrderNr;


Request Class

The Request Class is needed to send the request, or data for the request, to us.

To start with, the class should be created. The class has several variables:

  • $CSR - for the CSR that will be used.
  • $Domainname - for the domain name that will be used. The domain name should be the same as the Common Name/Domain name in the CSR. This can be verified by using the DecodeCSR method.
  • $Domains - if the certificate you ordered was a multi-domain certificate, it is possible to specify the extra domain names here.
  • $Company - the company name to be included in the certificate.
  • $Department - used if you want to include a department name in the certificate.
  • $Postbox - used if you want to include a postbox. This option is no longer used, and will be removed from the API in a future version.
  • $Address - the company address.
  • $Zipcode - the company zip code.
  • $City - the location of the company.
  • $State - state in which the company is located. By using the GetStates method it is possible to request the allowed values. Please contact us through if you would like to enter a state from, for example, a foreign country.
  • $Reference - here it is possible to specify a payment reference. If entered, it the reference will be shown on the invoice. If no information is entered here, we will list the name of the domain itself.
  • $CountryCode - the country code for the application.
  • $ServerSoftware - here you can enter which server you use. This option is no longer used, and will be removed from the API in a future version.
  • $Brand - the certificate brand. 
  • $Product - the product you wish to order.
  • $Type - the type of certificate you wish to order.
  • $Year - the number of years you would like the certificate to be valid.
  • $ApproverFirstName - first name of the contact person of the company that will be using the certificate.
  • $ApproverLastName - last name of the contact person of the company that will be using the certificate.
  • $ApproverEmail - e-mail address to be used for validation of the application. Possible options for your specific domain name can be requested through the getApprovedEmailAddresses method.
  • $ApproverPhone - the direct phone number of the contact person of the company that will be using the certificate.
  • $CC - The Chamber of Commerce number of the company.
   class RequestClass {
        public $CSR;
        public $Domainname;
        public $Domains;
        public $Company;
        public $Department;
        public $Postbox;
        public $Address;
        public $Zipcode;
        public $City;
        public $State;
        public $Reference;
        public $CountryCode;
        public $ServerSoftware;
        public $Brand;
        public $Product;
        public $Type;
        public $Year;
        public $ApproverFirstName;
        public $ApproverLastName;
        public $ApproverEmail;
        public $ApproverPhone;
        public $KvK;
        public $Test;

RetryDCV - Resend Validation E-mail

Through the API is it possible to resend the verification e-mail for your order. Below you will find an example

Start with the Authentication Class to login.

To use the RetryDCV function, three parameters are required:

   Authentication: Add your authentication class.
   Ordernumber: Here you must state the ordernumber for the order you want to resend the email for. The ordernumber was given to you when the certificate was ordered.
   E-mail address: Specify which email address you want the email to be sent to. Please note that you should use a valid and allowed email address. By using the getApprovedEmailAddresses function, you can check which addresses are allowed for this domain.
   ini_set('soap.wsdl_cache_enabled', 0);

   class AuthenticationClass {
      public $Username;
      public $Password;
   $Authentication = new AuthenticationClass;
   $Authentication->Username = '';
   $Authentication->Password = 'xxxxxxxx';
   $client = new SoapClient('',
       'trace' => true ,
       'exceptions' => true ,

   $OrderNr = "999";
   $Resend = $client->RetryDCV($Authentication, $OrderNr, "");
   echo $Resend;

Status - Request Order Status

The Status method can be used to check the status of your order.

This method requires two parameters:

  • Authentication Class. We use $Authentication in our example.
  • Order number. Here the order number you received from us is entered. We use the variable $OrderNr in our example.

Below you will find a list of the possible options:

ValidRequest Boolean Shows if the order has not yet been processed (0) or is being processed (1) is.
ValidCSR Integer Shows if the supplied CSR is valid (-1), not yet verified (0) or has been accepted (1).
DocumentsRequired Boolean Shows if documents are required (1) or not (0).
DocumentsStatus Integer Shows if the supplied documents are invalid (-1), not yet received (0) or have been accepted (1).
OrganizationRequired Boolean Shows if the company information must be verified (1) or not (0).
OrganizationStatus Integer Shows if the company information is incorrect (-1), not yet verifified (0) or has been accepted (1).
WhoisRequired Boolean Shows if whois information must be verified (1) or not (0).
WhoisStatus Integer Show if the whois information is incorrect (-1), not yet verified (0) or have been accepted (1).
DomainRequired Boolean Shows if domain verification must be completed (1) or not (0).
DomainStatus Integer Shows if domain verification has not (0) or has been verified (1).
WhoisList ArrayOfOrderDomainStatus Works like WhoisStatus, but returns an array of domains and their status; for multi-domain certificates.
PhoneRequired Boolean Shows if phone verification must be completed (1) or not (0).
PhoneStatus Integer Shows if phone verification has not been completed (0), the contact was not available (-1), the contact if not suitable for verification (-2), the phonenumber is invalid (-3) or has been completed (1).
CAOrdered Boolean Shows if the order has been sent to the CA (1) or not (0).
CADetails ArrayOfOrderCAStatus Shows the status of the order at the CA, as an array.
CAIssued Boolean Shows if the certificate was issued by the CA (1) or not (0).
CADomainList ArrayOfOrderDomainStatus Shows the status of the domain verification at the CA. Status is returned in an array with each domain, status, and email address used.

getDocuments - download Comodo EV documents

Through the getDocuments function, Comodo EV documents may be downloaded through the API.

point up