This document contains information about which WebHooks are being sent if you have registered a callback endpoint.
Registering a WebHook endpoint
After logging into the Control Panel, please contact us mentioning the endpoint which you wish to use. We support HTTPS and HTTP.
This parameter is always sent with any callback, it contains the request identifier which is associated with this event.
This parameter tells you what action has been performed on this request. There currently are two possible values:
- Issued - The certificate associated with this request has been issued
- Updated - One or more associated attributes have been updated on the request
- Deleted - the request was manually deleted
This parameter tells you what has changed in the request. It is only present when Status is Updated
- PhonecallDelayed - The validation call has been delayed
- Phone - The validation call could not be completed
- Organization - The organization associated with the request has failed validation
- CSR - The CSR associated with the request has failed validation
- Message - A new message has been created by Xolphin
- DCV Domain Control Validation (DCV) has been completed for a domain in the order. The domain is added in the Domain parameter
- Whois - Whois validation for the request has failed
- ReadyForReissue - The current certificate under the subscription is ready for reissue so you gain a new validity period.
Below you will find an example of how it can be used:
<?php $RequestId = (int) $_GET['RequestId']; $Status = $_GET['Status'];
$State = @$_GET['State'];
if ($Status == 'Issued') {
// Certificate has been issued and is ready for collection. // Call your collect certificate function. Find the request based on Xolphins RequestId, not your own Id!
if ($Status == 'Updated') {
// $State contains what was updated such as new Message, PhoneCall Delayed
Webhook calls are made from the following IP addresses:
IPv4 :, IPv6 : 2a03:8de0:1:1::91, 2a03:8de0:1:1::111 <

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